On May 20, 1498, ships moored near Calicut. There, Vasco da Gama met with Ahmad ibn Majid, who, according to some sources, became his pilot. Walking along the coast of Africa, the expedition reached Malindi. The ships also visited the ports of Mozambique and Mombasa. Rounding the Cape of Good Hope, the expedition entered the territories that were part of the trade routes of the Indian Ocean. On Christmas Eve of the same year, the expedition reached the area that today is part of the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal. Not wanting to share important information with his Spanish rivals, Vasco da Gama ordered the islands to be bypassed. On July 8, the armada made a solemn departure from Lisbon and soon reached the Canary Islands, which belonged to Castile. In 1497, Vasco da Gama led a sea expedition. Mathematical, navigational and astronomical knowledge he received in Évora. He was the third son of five children.Īt the age of twenty, together with his brothers, he became a member of the Order of Santiago. Vasco da Gama was born in 1460 (1469), in the city of Sines, in the family of a noble Portuguese knight. His journey marked the beginning of the commercial and military-colonial penetration of the Portuguese into the Indian Ocean basin. Nevertheless, in 1499 Vasco da Gama successfully returned to Lisbon. On the voyage, the flotilla suffered significant losses - half of the ships died from storms, and more than half of the sailors died of illness. However, da Gama had to work hard to convince the local ruler to start trading with foreigners. Thanks to him, on May 20, 1498, the Portuguese finally reached their goal, arriving at the port of Calicut (now Calcutta) on the western coast of India. Here the navigator hired the famous Arab traveler, unsurpassed authority in the marine science of that time, Ahmad ibn Majid. In 1498, da Gama's ships arrived in Malindi, the largest Arab-Swahili port in the Indian Ocean. However, the traveler was not interested in them, but returned to the intended route and thus became the discoverer of the sea route from Western Europe to the real India. The current carried da Gama's ships to the Columbus "Indies" (to Brazil). The Portuguese court sought to establish a direct trade link with India as soon as possible - Columbus had already announced publicly the discovery of the "Indies" in the west, across the Atlantic Ocean. Dias and others), their ships also visited the eastern coast of Africa. By this time, the coast up to the Cape of Good Hope had already been explored by the Portuguese (B.

In 1497, the Portuguese government sent him at the head of a flotilla of four ships in search of a sea route to India around Africa. Born in the small coastal town of Sines (Portugal). Not much is known about the fate of Vasco da Gama. Gama Vasco da (1469-1524), Portuguese navigator.